This is a list of links to articles and sites that explain how to effectively use plain text in your life and your work. Note that this page isn’t meant to be a comprehensive or definitive set of links.
Click the arrow beside any heading below to expand what’s under it.
Plain Text Websites
- 8 Everyday Things You Can Track with Text Files
- 10 Plain Text Files You Should Have on Your Desktop for Higher Productivity
- WorkingMemory.txt (The Most Important Productivity Tool You’ve Never Heard Of)
- Managing IT Projects in Text Mode
- A Plain Text Personal Organizer
- Go Plain: My Simplicity-Driven Personal Productivity System
- The unsexy plain text todo file
- How I’m Using Notational Velocity, Simplenote, and Merlin Mann’s QQ Trick as a Replacement for the GTD Application Things
- Simple Planning With Plain Text
- Text File Time Blocking
- How to: Achieve a text-only work-flow, for academics
- How I organize my life in plaintext
- Learning Markdown (OK, this is my book. You can't blame a guy for marketing his own work!)
- Markup, Markdown: Write In Elegant Plain Text
- Markdown Reference
- Mastering Markdown
- How to Create a Markdown Table
- Markdown and code snippet management
Other Markup Languages
- Learning HTML (OK, this is my book. Again, you can't blame a guy for marketing his own work!)
- Getting Started with DocBook
- reStructuredText – what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup language
- AsciiMath
- PreText
- AsciiDoc – text document format for writing
- MyST - Markedly Structured Text
- Org Mode Is One of the Most Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text
General Information
- Write plain text files
- What is Plain Text?
- Pandoc cheatsheet
- What Is a Text File?
- store everything in text files
- How I organize everything with plain-text notes
- My Text Editor Journey: Vim, Spacemacs, Atom and Sublime Text
- What can and cannot be done in a text file?
- Simple and Universal: A History of Plain Text, and Why It Matters
- Plain Text Accounting
- My World in Textfiles
- My journey into the plain text life - Intro